The Well


Web Design, Graphic Design, Logo Reconstruction


After starting “the unchurch church” in 2017, The Well found itself in need of a streamlined, professional branding strategy to help its marketing efforts leading into 2019.


Clay and Group reconstructed its existing logo to scale correctly on all assets. We also designed and developed their website.

Reviving spirits, love for Christ and for each other.

The Well is a group of people intentionally uniting and forming authentic relationship in a culture of love while utilizing their unique skills, gifts, and talents to promote higher consciousness around righteousness. Their logo represents the vibrancy of the creative arts community. We applied a complementary style treatment for the Well’s website and new promotional materials including sidewalk signs and flyers.

Thoughts from The Well

“The team is more than satisfied and we are forever gracious for your amazing work.”
-Raimon Jackson, Founder

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