
2018 Highlights from C+G

With your support, we will continue to engage with purpose and lead in greatness in 2019.

It goes without saying that this has been one of our most successful years since 2008, and it’s all because of you. We truly appreciate your partnership and collaboration this year. With your support, we will continue to engage with purpose and lead in greatness in 2019.

11 New Clients

Whether you’ve been with us since 2008 or you’ve just joined in 2018, you are all the real MVP’s (most valuable partners).

4 New Sites

Website design is our bread + butter, and we’ve launched four of them in 2018. We’re on track to launch three more websites in January 2019.

3x the Staff

Our reliable dream team of three tripled to nine in one year, expanding our services to now include email marketing strategy.

2 New Locations

In addition to Washington, DC and Cleveland, we now have staff located in Chicago and London.

We cannot thank you enough for trusting us with your brand, your identity, and your online visibility. Please take a moment to enjoy and cherish those you love this holiday season.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

-The Clay’s

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