
A Mid-Year Review of 2018 Trends in Content Marketing

We’re about halfway into 2018, and one thing is clear: content remains king. What isn’t clear is the way entrepreneurs and small businesses go about crafting effective strategies given Facebook’s new algorithm and social media users’ thirst for minimal text. I recently came across an article describing 2018 content marketing trends and have pulled out three key insights.

Preserve content that works.

Having a robust amount of content is always a good thing, but the more content we produce the more time and money that will need to go into the project. Sometimes “old content” can be more effective than creating new content. It can reduce costs and time recycling ideas and assets.

Don’t waste your audience’s (already) limited time.

Consumers don’t have time to view a lot of content on websites. Having less is sometimes more from a consumer’s perspective. If I was a consumer looking at a website I would want to find the information I needed as quickly as possible. This is because I don’t have a long attention span and it’s safe to say a lot of others don’t either. Studies show that the more content there is the less engagement the project will have.

Visual content is worth a thousand likes.

Text-based marketing is starting to fade as new innovative ways to market are discovered. Think about reaching out to your customers with edited videos or live videos. Services like Facebook Video, Vyond, and Canva make it easier for non-technical users to create professional content. It is a daring move, but could be rewarding in your future projects. Also, how cool would it be to integrate voice searches with things like Amazon’s “Alexa.” Imagine someone saying, “Alexa, what is the best dog sitting company in my area,” then have your business come up in the search! Voice search has been big in 2018, and companies must partner with firms who know how to ensure their business is included in voice-activated search engines.

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